The MEDrefer platform comprises of a series of modules that together deliver a robust, efficient referral workflow. Click around the diagram to learn more about how each module delivers value to patients, clinicians and the healthcare sector as a whole.
See how it works for:
- General Practitioners
- Specialists
- Allied Health Professionals
- Practice Managers
- Patients
- Hospitals
- PHNs
Now introducing MEDeCon, our eConferrals Platform
MEDeCon delivers effective Advice & Guidance for the challenges of today by allowing Primary Care clinicians to seamlessly take advice from experts prior to, or in place of, a referral. Click Here to learn more.

Our Australia-wide directory lists specialists and allied health practitioners by discipline, location and search radius. From the filtered list, an appropriate recipient can be chosen based on further categories such as sub-specialty, other services offered, gender and language spoken.
Once a choice has been made, the referral letter or message is automatically sent. The patient receives a Referral Certificate with the recipient’s contact details, and a unique referral code. The patient can then contact the recipient to book an appointment that best suits them.
A patient referral code, or an email notification, directs the recipient to log on to our secure website, where the referral can be viewed, accepted and downloaded. An email is automatically returned to the GP letting them know that the referral has been received and accepted.
With a click of a button, the recipient can let a GP know the appointment date and time, re-scheduled or cancelled appointments, no shows and appointment summary notes.